Module Opencv.Key_point

type t
val key_point1 : unit -> t

Usage: key_point1 ()

val key_point2 : ?⁠_angle:float -> ?⁠_response:float -> ?⁠_octave:int -> ?⁠_class_id:int -> float -> float -> float -> t

Usage: key_point2 ?_angle ?_response ?_octave ?_class_id x y _size

  • Parameter: x: x-coordinate of the keypoint
  • Parameter: y: y-coordinate of the keypoint
  • Parameter: _size: keypoint diameter
  • Parameter: _angle: keypoint orientation
  • Parameter: _response: keypoint detector response on the keypoint (that is, strength of the keypoint)
  • Parameter: _octave: pyramid octave in which the keypoint has been detected
  • Parameter: _class_id: object id