Module Color

module Color: sig .. end

Color contains the color type and utilities for manipulating colors.

type color = {
   red : int;
   green : int;
   blue : int;
   alpha : int;

The type of a color. Each of red, green, blue, and alpha are in the range 0..255.

val rgb : int -> int -> int -> color

rgb r g b is the opaque color with red, green and blue values of r, g, and b, respectively.

val rgba : int -> int -> int -> int -> color

rgba r g b a is rgb r g b, but with an alpha value of a.

val gray : int -> color

gray val is the opaque color represented by the grayscale value val, which is equivalent to each of red, green, and blue values of val.

val graya : int -> int -> color

gray val a is gray val, but with an alpha value of a.

val hsv : int -> int -> int -> color

hsv h s v is the opaque color represented by the hue, saturation, and value values of h, s, and v, respectively. h is in the range 0..360, and both s and v are in the range 0..100.

val hsva : int -> int -> int -> int -> color

hsva h s v a is hsv h s v, but with an alpha value of a. a is in the range 0..255.

val hex : string -> color

hex hex_str is the color represented by hex_str in hexadecimal notation. hex_str may or may not begin with a pound (#), and may specify alpha (#AARRGGBB) or not (#RRGGBB).