Module Math.Vector

module Vector: sig .. end

Vector contains the Vector.t type and functions for creating and manipulating vectors.

type t = float * float 
val to_string : t -> string

to_string vec is the string representation of vec.

val (~<) : t -> float

~< (x, y) is x.

val (~>) : t -> float

~> (x, y) is y.


val create : float -> float -> t

create x y is (x, y).

val of_tuple : float * float -> t

of_tuple (x, y) is (x, y).

val of_angle : float -> t

of_angle theta is the unit vector (cos theta, sin theta).


val mag : t -> float

mag vec is the magnitude of vec, i.e. sqrt (x**2. +. y**2.)

val mag_sq : t -> float

mag_sq vec is the squared magnitude of vec, i.e. x**2. +. y**2.. This computation is faster than mag.

val add : t -> t -> t

add v1 v2 is the sum of v1 and v2.

val sub : t -> t -> t

sub v1 v2 is the difference between v1 and v2, which is equivalent to add v1 (mult v2 (-1.)).

val mult : t -> float -> t

mult vec f is the scalar multiplication of vec by f.

val div : t -> float -> t

div vec f is mult vec (1. /. f).

val dist : t -> t -> float

dist v1 v2 is the distance between v1 and v2, which is equivalent to mag (sub v1 v2).

val dot : t -> t -> float

dot v1 v2 is the dot product of v1 and v2, i.e. (x1 *. x2) +. (y1 *. y2), where v1 = (x1, y1) and v2 = (x2, y2).

val norm : t -> t

norm vec is vec with a magnitude of 1., which is equivalent to div vec (mag vec).

val with_mag : t -> float -> t

with_mag vec f is vec with a magnitude of f, which is equivalent to mult (norm vec) f.

val limit : t -> float -> t

limit vec f is vec with a maximum magnitude of f, which is equivalent to with_mag vec (min (mag vec) f).

val heading : t -> float

heading vec is the heading of vec, i.e. atan2 y x where vec = (x, y).

val rotate : t -> float -> t

rotate vec theta is vec rotated by angle theta.

val lerp : t -> t -> float -> t

lerp v1 v2 t is the linear interpolation from v1 to v2 by t, where t is in [0, 1].

val angle_between : t -> t -> float

angle_between v1 v2 is the smallest angle between v1 and v2.

val project : t -> t -> t

project v1 v2 is the projection of v1 on to v2.

Operator Aliases

val (++) : t -> t -> t

v1 ++ v2 is add v1 v2.

val (--) : t -> t -> t

v1 -- v2 is sub v1 v2.

val ( *** ) : t -> float -> t

vec *** f is mult vec f.

val (//) : t -> float -> t

vec // f is div vec f.

val ( **. ) : t -> t -> float

v1 **. v2 is dot v1 v2.

val (~||) : t -> float

~|| vec is mag vec.