Module Shape

module Shape: sig .. end

Shape contains the Shape.t type and utilities for creating and manipulating shapes. A Shape.t is a vector representation of a drawing command and serves as the basis for all drawing operations in p5ml.


type tag = ..

tag is an extensible variant for attaching arbitrary metadata to shapes.

type tag += 
| TName of string
type vertex = private 
| MoveTo of Math.vector (*

MoveTo vec picks up the pen and places it down at vec.

| LineTo of Math.vector (*

LineTo vec draws from the pen location to vec.

| BezierTo of Math.vector * Math.vector * Math.vector (*

BezierTo v2 v3 v4 draws from the pen location, using the pen location as the beginning anchor point, v2 and v3 as the anchor points, and v4 as the ending anchor point.

| Arc of Math.vector * Math.vector * float * float * float (*

Arc center size phi theta1 theta2 draws an arc centered at center and inscribed in rect point ~align:`Center size. phi is the offset angle of the rectangle, and theta1 and theta2 are the start and end angles of the arc, respectively. The pen is not moved to the start; it continues from where it left off and connects to where the arc begins.

| ClosePath (*

ClosePath closes the path by drawing a line from the current pen position to the last pen down position (created by MoveTo).


The type of a vertex, a single piece of vector information that forms a shape.

type t = private 
| Shape of vertex list (*

Shape vertices is a complex shape defined by vertices. Well-formed shapes must begin with MoveTo and cannot have a ClosePath anywhere except (optionally) the end.

| Group of t list (*

Group shapes is the compound shape that draws each shape in shapes in order, i.e. with the last shape on top.

| Paint of t * Paint.paint_update (*

Paint shape update is the shape that draws shape with the paint modification specified by update. Paint updates are specified one attribute at a time (e.g. just the stroke) so that all other attributes are inherited from the parent shape.

| Tag of t * tag (*

Tag shape tag is shape tagged with tag. This shape is functionally equivalent to shape, but the tag is used for adding arbitrary metadata to the shape, such as the built-in name tag.

| Background of Color.color (*

Background color is the shape that fills the background with color, erasing what was already present. This separate constructor is necessary because a rect would be affected by transformations.

| Empty (*

Empty is the shape that draws nothing.


The type of a shape, a component that can be displayed. The Shape constructor contains vertices.

Constructing Basic Shapes

val poly : ?close:[ `Close | `Open ] -> Math.vector list -> t

poly vertices is the shape representing the polygon with vertices.

val point : Math.vector -> t

point vertex is the shape representing the point at position vertex.

val line : Math.vector -> Math.vector -> t

line v1 v2 is the shape representing the line between v1 and v2.

val rect : Math.vector -> ?align:[ `Center | `Corner ] -> Math.vector -> t

rect point size is the shape representing the rectangle with corner at point and dimensions size.

val quad : Math.vector -> Math.vector -> Math.vector -> Math.vector -> t

quad v1 v2 v3 v3 is polygon [v1; v2; v3; v4].

val triangle : Math.vector -> Math.vector -> Math.vector -> t

triangle v1 v2 v3 is polygon [v1; v2; v3].

val ellipse : Math.vector -> ?align:[ `Center | `Corner ] -> Math.vector -> t

ellipse point size is the shape representing the ellipse centered at point and inscribed in rect point ~align:`Center size.

val circle : Math.vector -> ?align:[ `Center | `Corner ] -> float -> t

circle point radius is ellipse point (radius, radius).

val arc : Math.vector ->
?align:[ `Center | `Corner ] ->
Math.vector ->
?stroke_mode:[ `Closed | `Open ] ->
?fill_mode:[ `Chord | `Pie ] -> ?phi:float -> float -> float -> t

arc point size theta1 theta2 is the shape representing the arc (portion of a full ellipse) centered at point and inscribed in rect point ~align:`Center size from angle theta1 to theta2.

val bezier : Bezier.t -> t

bezier bez is the shape representing the Bezier curve bez.

Constructing Meta-shapes

val group : t list -> t

group shapes is the shape that draws shapes in order.

val shape : t -> Math.vector -> t

shape sh tr is the shape sh translated by tr.

val background : Color.color -> t

background color is the shape that sets the background to color.

val empty : t

empty is the shape that draws nothing.

Applying Shape Paints

val fill : Color.color -> t -> t

fill color shape is shape with fill color, used to draw the inside of shapes.

val no_fill : t -> t

no_fill shape is shape with fill cleared.

val stroke : Color.color -> t -> t

stroke color shape is shape with stroke color, used to draw the outline of shapes.

val no_stroke : t -> t

no_stroke shape is shape with stroke cleared.

val stroke_weight : float -> t -> t

stroke_weight w shape is shape with stroke weight w, the width of the stroke lines.

val stroke_cap : [ `Project | `Round | `Square ] -> t -> t

stroke_cap c shape is shape with stroke cap c, the way that the ends of lines are drawn.

val stroke_join : [ `Bevel | `Miter | `Round ] -> t -> t

stroke_join j shape is shape with stroke join j, the way that vertices between two lines are drawn.

val bleach : t -> t

bleach shape is shape with all color (fill or stroke) information removed.


val name : string -> t -> t

name n shape is shape tagged with name n, which can be looked up with find_name.

val find_name : string -> t -> t option

find_name name shape is Some found where found is the first shape tagged with name in shape, or None if shape contains no shapes tagged name.

val find_names : string -> t -> t list

find_names name shape is the list of all shapes in shape that are tagged with name.


val tag : tag -> t -> t

tag tg shape is shape tagged with tag tg, which can be looked up with find_tag. Tags are a more general form of names.

val find_tag : ?eq:(tag -> tag -> bool) ->
tag -> t -> t option

find_tag tag shape is Some found where found is the first shape tagged with tag in shape, or None if shape contains no shapes tagged tag.

val find_tags : ?eq:(tag -> tag -> bool) -> tag -> t -> t list

find_tags tag shape is the list of all shapes in shape that are tagged with tag.


val translate : Math.vector -> t -> t

translate tr shape is shape translated by offset tr.

val scale : Math.vector -> t -> t

scale (scale_x, scale_y) shape is shape scaled by factors of scale_x and scale_y in the x and y directions, respectively, about the origin. To achieve scaling about a different center, first use translate.

val rotate : float -> t -> t

rotate angle shape is shape rotated angle radians about the origin. To achieve rotation about a different center, first use translate.