module Gtk_cairo:sig
An implementation of Renderer using GTK+ and cairo2 as the backend. This is the main renderer that supports all p5ml features.
buffer = {
window : |
draw : |
shape : |
surface : |
context : |
events : |
mutex : |
val width : buffer -> int
val height : buffer -> int
val apply_color : Color.color -> Cairo.context -> unit
val draw_path_sep : Paint.paint -> Paint.paint -> Cairo.context -> unit
val draw_path : Paint.paint -> Cairo.context -> unit
val handle_apply_vertex : 'a -> Cairo.context -> Shape.vertex -> unit
val handle_apply_shape : Paint.paint -> Cairo.context -> Shape.t -> unit
val queue_event : buffer -> Renderer.event -> unit
val expose : buffer ->
< misc : < window : [> `drawable ] Gobject.obj; .. >; .. > -> 'a -> bool
val redraw_trigger : buffer -> unit -> bool
val event_notifiers : [> `BUTTON_MOTION
val handle_mouse_moved : buffer -> GdkEvent.Motion.t -> bool
val build_mouse_coords : GdkEvent.Button.t -> Renderer.mouse_coords
GdkEvent.Button.t -> [> `Center | `Left | `Right ]
: val handle_mouse_pressed : buffer -> GdkEvent.Button.t -> bool
val handle_mouse_released : buffer -> GdkEvent.Button.t -> bool
val get_key : GdkEvent.Key.t -> Stdlib.Uchar.t
val handle_key_pressed : buffer -> GdkEvent.Key.t -> bool
val handle_key_released : buffer -> GdkEvent.Key.t -> bool
val handle_window_enter : 'a -> 'b -> bool
val handle_window_leave : 'a -> 'b -> bool
val handle_mouse_scroll : buffer -> GdkEvent.Scroll.t -> bool
val handle_window_resized : buffer -> GdkEvent.Configure.t -> bool
val handle_window_delete : buffer -> 'a -> bool
val create_buffer : float -> [< `FullScreen | `Size of int * int ] -> buffer
val begin_draw : 'a -> unit
val end_draw : 'a -> unit
val clear : 'a -> unit
clear buffer
does not modify the buffer. This is because
the Cairo surface gets cleared every frame automatically.
val event_queue : buffer -> Renderer.event list
val render : buffer -> Shape.t -> unit